In the coming Rotary Year, the District Vocational Service Committee aims to provide Rotarians in our District with information, ideas and concepts about sustainable vocational service projects.
We have plans to hold Vocational Service seminars and workshops to enrich Rotarians’ knowledge and application of The Four-Way Test and Rotary Code of Conduct in their professional and daily lives. We would also leverage our experience from the pilot Virtual Rotary Exchange conducted in RY2021-22, and encourage clubs to run even more impactful VREs. We would also like to invite all of you to the latest in Web 3.0 and the Metaverse and catch up with what’s going on in these arenas and stay in the forefront of happenings.
We would like to share with you how vocational services can help build better clubs with strong membership and equip you with resources for building sustainable vocational services. See you next year –
Let’s imagine Vocational Service!
Imagine Rotary!
Vocational Service: What is it, to you?