RC Eminence HK (RID3450) seeks partner clubs for VVE in urban farming

Tell us more about your club!
Rotary Club of Eminence Hong Kong was established in 2020. We believe in going back to the basics to develop service mindset as the foundation of everything we do. One of the focus of our club is the exposure of youth to modern agriculture with technology. We hope that our young people would gain exposure to this area and gain insights into the opportunities available for them.

Social Media: www.instagram.com/rotaryclubofeminence_/ https://www.facebook.com/people/Rotary-Club-of-Eminence-HK-香港匯賢扶輪社/100064606849085/

Location: Hong Kong (GMT +8)

Preferred Partner Clubs Location: Australasia (GMT+6 to +13)

Vocation interested: Urban Farming, Sustainable Farming, AI Farming

VVE Language: English

Contact:  Tel: +852-2618 8208/ Email: rotaryeminencehk@gmail.com