About Forum Futures Literacy

Futures Literacy

What is this Forum about?

This is a forum about futures literacy & futures thinking. We could explore more on what futures literacy entails and how we can apply futures literacy to prepare us and people around us for the uncertain future!

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Futures Literacy | UNESCO

Your Forum Host:

Helen Or (Past President), Rotary Club of Neoteric Hong Kong, RID3450

Hi, I first came across futures thinking in 1997 when I was preparing a proposal on Scenario Development for the HK Government. Subsequently I have worked on many futures thinking/scenario development projects for corporates.

In 2019, in line with UNESCO’s concept of futures literacy, I developed an interest in leveraging the concept of futures thinking for personal development and have since developed a whole range of interactive workshops for young people. Hope to learn more about the topic and happy to share on Scenario Planning, Futures Literacy, Futures Thinking Framework, Foresights development, and more