The Rotary Youth Leadership Awards – Rotary District 3450 VVE

The Rotary Youth Leadership Awards

The Rotary Youth Leadership Awards

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    I will be the District Chair for the Rotary Youth Leadership  awards and my team and I have chosen the following theme to drive this program

    “Passion, Action, Reaction”,

    Here is why;

    This theme creates a holistic framework for leadership development in the following ways

    • Self-Discovery and Motivation: It starts with identifying and nurturing one’s passion. We can say this is the point where the young people dream of what they want to be or would like to be.
    • Practical Application and Initiative: It moves to taking deliberate actions towards achieving goals. This stage is for turning dreams into a reality. Issues of setting goals and achieving them, habits for effectiveness that may include but not limited to team work, proactiveness, communication et al,
    • Responsiveness and Impact Awareness: The last part of this theme is to empower youth on how to respond or adapt to the changing environment. It also involves being aware of and responsive to the outcomes of their actions.

    This theme therefore takes into consideration the journey from inspiration to execution and reflection, providing a complete approach to leadership that is dynamic and impactful. It prepares young leaders not only to find and pursue what they love but also to navigate and influence the world around them effectively.

    I will appreciate your thoughts on this.
    What kind of RYLA would you like to see in your respective districts?

    Helen Or

      <div class=”bbp-reply-author”>I was involved in RYLA held in Hong Kong (D3450) in Mar 2024 as a Trainer.  Our participants worked in teams and dived into a social issue of their choice and developed solutions for 2040.    As a trainer, we introduced some basic futures thinking frameworks for thinking about the issue in 2040.  The participants’ feedback was that it was helpful in getting them to look into the future, not just the present!</div>

      Eddy Lo

        Adding to Helen’s comment, the focus of RYLA 2023-24 in District 3450 was HOPE, H=Happiness, O=Opportunities, P=Peace, E=Empowerment. The social issues that we asked the participants to drill into are those related to Mental Health, DEI and Peace.

        • This reply was modified 4 months ago by Eddy Lo.
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